Welcome to IIAmericas!
We want to thank all our amazing sponsors for their help in making our IIAC 2024 event a huge success this year! We had 8,000 visitors. Our event took place the day before the solar eclipse so people from all over the world came to see their first powwow. Patrons from Belgium, Isreal, Germany, Italy, England, Scotland, Brazil, Norway, Australia, Japan, Spain and the Netherlands had their first experience with Native culture they were very excited for the opportunity. We had over 18 states represented. It was amazing.
SAVE THE DATE: April 5th and April 6th, 2025 IIAC 2025!

Highlights of our event will be posted soon!

Our Story
The Indigenous Institute of the Americas is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit Intertribal organization founded by Elders Gregory Gomez, Eddie Sandoval, and Dr. Cathy Guiterrez-Gomez. With the guidance of amazing knowledge keepers, our founders, advisors, and ambassadors, we strive to preserve the Traditional knowledge of American Indian people from the North Pole to the South Pole. Our organization is an all-volunteer powerhouse founded in the 1980s in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. We provide education, consultation, and much more throughout the year. Our highlight of the year is the IIAC event held the first weekend in April at the Chisholm Trail Outdoor Museum in Cleburne Texas. It is an amazing opportunity for immersion in the knowledge from our past and our contributions to contemporary life.